Airline and Airport Management
We thought of giving you a brief on our program and what this niche is all about. What are these terms? Aviation Management, Airport Management, Airline and Travel Management, Logistics and Air Cargo Management, and plenty more.
Let’s discuss what they generally are and how important are they for the industry. Let’s dive into the details.
Aviation Management
Aviation Industry is all about the transportation of goods and passengers throughout the world. It is a complex field covering numerous base topics in aviation. If you are studying Aviation Management, you would learn about coordinating and planning the airlines, airports, and aircraft operations, logistics, and much more.
Aviation management is the backbone of the whole aviation industry. That is why the core of our programs concentrates on correct Aviation Management practices. This whole process is a crucial part for the smooth functioning of the Aviation Industry.MCAS is the pioneer in the aviation education field in Sri Lanka and we hold great pride in being the first college to offer this opportunity to Sri Lanka’s aviation enthusiasts.
Airport Management
Airports are busy places and are getting busier with time. International air traffic is expected to double within the next 15 years. In general, Airport Management includes all airport and airline operations such as managing, supervising, maintaining, and coordinating. Proper Airport Management facilitates consists of streamlined operations, on-time flight takeoffs and landing, quality passenger service, and high security. Not only that, it could result in high profits from duty-free shopping at airports and many other passenger services which bring in high revenue.
Aircraft Maintenance and Crew Management
Did you know that 73% of aircraft accidents happen because of human error? This proves what a major role is played by humans and the crew in an aircraft. There are two types of the crew on a flight. One is the cabin crew and the other is the flight deck crew (comprised of the Captain and the First-Officer).
Communication between all crew members is vital for air safety and so is Crew Resource Management. The basic theory over here is that the combined effort and communication between crew members will have a greater impact on safety. The best aviation management degree in Sri Lanka offered by MCAS is going to teach you flight crew roles and responsibilities, interpersonal communication, leadership skills, decision-making, and more.
Air Traffic Control
Once you board an aircraft till the time you arrive at your destination, there is a group of hardworking people watching over you through the air and when you have landed. If not learned or practiced properly, Air Traffic Control could be one of the toughest and most stressful jobs in the world. By 2036, the number of passengers is expected to reach approximately 7.8 billion. Experts in Air Traffic Management are necessary to ensure safe and efficient air transportation.
The air traffic controllers are expected to make critical decisions using their communication skills and problem-solving abilities. Here are few of their tasks: Updating and advising the pilots about planes closely, and potentially harmful weather conditions. Flight information compilation from pilot plans, the reports from the pilots, and the observations. Providing instructions for landing and take-off.
Airline Marketing Management
It is very important to retain clients, earn their loyalty, and spread positive word of mouth. That is where Airline Marketing should step in. An airline marketer should be able to distinguish the true needs and the apparent needs of a customer. Identifying these and providing them the best experience possible is vital to make airline revenue and achieve a good reputation under its name. In this overall process, the marketer plays a key role if not “the key role”.
Strategic planning to get clients on board is a task allocated to the airline marketing staff. Social media marketing tactics such as introducing offers and promotions, making clients aware of them, staying consistent on social media, and many more are a part of strategic planning. So, if your plan is to be an effective airline marketer, take the expert assistance by following the best aviation management degree in Sri Lanka.A small tip for beginners! Relevant and authentic marketing materials can take you a long way. Additionally, an airline earns more than 80% of their revenue from their loyal customers. Hence it is important to retain the existing airline clients.
Human Resources (HR) in Aviation
The aviation industry is among the most volatile industries in the world. Its ways of doing business is changing constantly due to outside forces. Therefore, the role of human resource managers is very important as they have to select and hire the appropriate staff for these ever-changing demands. The aviation industry offers many jobs, but for the ease of understanding let’s divide it into technical and non-technical jobs. Aircraft engineers, aircraft maintenance engineers, flight ground instructors, pilots, ATC staff, airport engineers, air navigation engineers, avionics engineers, air marshaling staff, and flight dispatchers are technical jobs.
The non-technical jobs include the airport administrative staff, airport security staff, airport custom staff, baggage handlers, front desk staff, cabin crew, aeromedical doctors, ground handlers, air caterers, airside operators, and landside operators. (We are going to talk further in detail about all these job roles in detail in the BBA in Airline and Airport Management degree we offer). In these jobs, there are different levels of positions ranging from executives to managers to senior personnel. In order to fulfill the needs of each department, the streamlined communication between the HR and those departments is a must.
Logistics and Cargo Management
The logistics sector is the backbone of the economy of any country. Because of globalization and the worldwide internet marketplace, the demand for fast air cargo delivery is rapidly increasing. According to a study, in the year 2030, the total air cargo volume will be five times that of the year 2000. The air cargo revenue globally is over 100 billion dollars.
Many aspects of our lifestyle won’t be the same if it wasn’t for air freight. Certain fruits, vegetables, pharmaceutical materials, livestock are transported in controlled environments with the utmost protection they require. Air transport has a high demand among the masses because of the speed, safety, and security, low land occupancy, etc. Furthermore, this is the best option for land-locked countries. Also, there are many opportunities for the industry in the future, and this means that you will see more and more aviation jobs emerging. We offer the industry’s most dynamic and innovative training solutions for every aspect of the supply chain, including strategy, business planning and development, management and optimization, business intelligence, operations, and handling.
As a part of the best aviation management degree in Sri Lanka, we teach you innovative and dynamic training solutions for each phase of the supply chain. This chain includes strategic planning, business planning and development, management and optimization, business intelligence, operations, and handling. You can gain theoretical and practical knowledge and apply those in the workplace. MCAS lecturers are highly qualified and are experts in the field to be able to instill the right knowledge in you.
Air Transport Safety and Security
No matter how advanced the technology an aircraft uses. The number one priority goes to the safety of the passengers. The air transport safety record is relatively very good, but what the public needs to see is an absolute safety record rather than a relative one when it comes to air safety. This has given birth to new safety targets in air transportation. To meet this, thorough knowledge on causes for aviation incidents/accidents and the implications of new procedures and technologies is a necessity.
The human factor is the most important role in both aviation accidents and incidents. That is why the airlines are actively looking for well-trained and educated individuals on aviation safety and security. Aviation safety refers to the measures undertaken to prevent accidents and incidents during air travel. Be it the manufacturer, maintenance personnel, ground support, flight crew, or ATC, all of them play a role when it comes to aviation safety. Therefore one should understand that the safety improvement is not only the responsibility of an individual or a particular section but a collaborative approach. In this degree program, we are going to teach the responsibilities of each job role towards air transport safety and security.